Mommy makeover

Even in 21st century, the pressure on women to look fit is as strong as ever. Everyone is still discussing if this or that celebrity "bounced back" after pregnancy and focusing on "getting back in shape". This is a sensitive topic for all the new moms: will ever I get my body back? And the answer is: who knows, but you can try!

The changes to the body after pregnancies can be minimal and then the best for any woman is to accept the new body and love it as it deserves to be loved. But what if the breasts are sagging and you can't wear your favorite clothes? The belly is all stretched and hangs on top of the jeans? And the vaginal muscles got weak and no amount of exercise seem to bring back the sensations?

The plastic surgery came up with the combination of procedures, for simplicity called "mommy makeover". The combination of operations is different for everyone and can include:

  • tummy tuck
  • breast lifting
  • breast augmentation
  • vaginoplasty
  • labiaplasty
  • liposuction

All the procedures needed for your transformation can be done in our cabinet of Doctor Bergeret-Galley in Paris.

How to prepare for mommy makeover?

With your doctor on the consultation you should discuss what procedures are most important for you and what are your expectations. Some women may only need a breastlift to get perkier breasts, some will consider an implant. Some need just a skin resection to get rid of stretch marks on the belly, others need a full tummy tuck with tightening of the muscles.

Mommy makeover has some limitation, and to achieve the best results the future patient should:

  • wait at least 6 month after delivery or 6 month after breastfeeding, for the body to get to its normal state and hormonal balance
  • bring herself as close as she can to pre-pregnancy weight. otherwise her new belly might look saggy if loosing another 10 kilos after operation
  • not to wait too long. The best results are achieved on younger patients, whose skin heals better and whose recovery is faster
  • consider doing the operation after having all kids she was planning to have

The operation?

As with any surgery there are rules to be followed:

  • No aspirin and other drugs (discussed with doctor) 2 weeks before operation
  • No eating a night before
  • Avoid unhealthy lifestyle

The operations is often carried out with general anesthesia, but can be also done with local anesthesia with sedation (if, for example, only vaginoplasty is needed). The time of operation varies depending on chosen procedures.

Full recovery is usually expected within 6-8 weeks after the operation, but, again, it depends if mom is going through the full makeover or only a boobjob.


The results of mommy makeover are always satisfying. After all the changes the body and the life of a mom undergone it is nice to see yourself in the mirror again the way you remember being before. It should be always the choice of the woman to try and accept the new you or make a surgery and be the old you again.


Как и при любой операции, существуют следующие правила:

  • Нет аспирина и других лекарств (обсуждается с врачом) за 2 недели до операции
  • Нет еды накануне вечером
  • Избегайте нездорового образа жизни

Операции часто проводятся под общей анестезией, но могут также проводиться под местной анестезией с седацией (если, например, необходима только вагинопластика). Время работы варьируется в зависимости от выбранных процедур.

Полное выздоровление обычно ожидается в течение 6-8 недель после операции, но, опять же, это зависит от того, проходит ли мама полное перевоплощение или только блядь.


Результаты преобразования мамы всегда удовлетворяют. После всех изменений, произошедших с телом и жизнью мамы, приятно снова увидеть себя в зеркале, каким ты помнишь себя раньше. Всегда должен быть выбор женщины - принять нового вас или сделать операцию и снова стать старым вами.

Posté dans News, Body, Breast, Face le 14 Mar 2020