The important thing for the human being is to find or recover a harmony between body and mind, that is to say "to please oneself, to please others as well, in short to feel good about oneself"; this is the goal of cosmetic surgery.
This surgery, more than any other, must obey moral principles, in the most total respect of the human person: We must know how to listen to the desires, examine, advise our patients as well as possible, inform them of what it is really possible to do for them by making them run the least possible risks of complications... As a surgeon, I am particularly attached to the following aesthetic principles: > "Naturalness above all": it is absolutely necessary to avoid the "surgical look"! > To satisfy the needs of our patients as best as possible without trying or risking to create them ourselves
The most important thing in any surgical procedure is to know how to weigh the advantages and disadvantages and to inform our patients as objectively and sincerely as possible about the predictable quality of the result and the importance of the risk of complications...
Posté dans News le 05 Oct 2021