The thigh lift is indicated for patients whose inner thighs are sagging, causing unsightly folds.

This procedure is designed to tighten the inner thigh. However, it is only really effective on the upper third of the thigh.

It can be combined with liposuction in case of significant excess fat.

The surgeon makes an incision at the level of the crotch, tightens the muscles and the skin and then removes the excess skin before stitching.

The operation is performed under general or epidural anesthesia, lasts between 1 hour 30 minutes and 2 hours and requires a rest of 10 to 15 days...

Please note that the weight must be stable in the six months preceding the operation and the body mass index within acceptable limits (less than or equal to 30 kg/m2).

If the patient wishes to lose weight, it is necessary to do so before the operation in order not to compromise the result.

Posté dans News le 03 Feb 2022